Welcome to the Write Channel! All about creative writing

Welcome to the Write Channel! All about creative writing

Successful Women Authors There was a time when women could never really amount to much, it was a man’s world and the woman’s place in that world was looking after…

The Write Channel with Nicola Monaghan; all about creative writing

The Write Channel with Nicola Monaghan; all about creative writing

10 Ways to Encourage Children to Write Writing is a priceless tool for children to master and use, just like reading is. The earlier they start writing words and sentences…

Get started with Creative Writing - 5 top tips!

Get started with Creative Writing – 5 top tips!

Your Character Is Not The Problem – 5 Ways To Love Your Flawed Character How to love your flawed character and strengthen your writing. Five ways to improve how you…

Find ideas for Stories: The Write Channel "How to Write  novel" course

Find ideas for Stories: The Write Channel “How to Write novel” course

“Writers’ Block” – What Is It and Can It Be Cured? Whether your are a master writer or a newbie writer, ‘writers’ block’ will no doubt become well-known to you…

Welcome to The Write Channel: For Creative Writing lessons and tips

Welcome to The Write Channel: For Creative Writing lessons and tips

Why Not Give Up the Day Job? As writers we are often told not to give up our day jobs. But sometimes quitting your job can have huge benefits to…

Famous Writers talk Ideas! Stephen King, John Irving and Alan Hollinghurst reveal their secrets

Famous Writers talk Ideas! Stephen King, John Irving and Alan Hollinghurst reveal their secrets

How to Forecast the Financials of a Business Plan How your business will perform financially over a period of three-five years is what financial forecasting all about. Crafting of financial…

More Creative Writing Advice and tips from Stephen King

More Creative Writing Advice and tips from Stephen King

Experiences Color Artistic Lenses If you have a dozen people look at the same thing, chances are you’ll get a dozen different descriptions or thoughts on what the object is….

Finding ideas for writing  and getting creative: The Write Channel Creative Writing Course

Finding ideas for writing and getting creative: The Write Channel Creative Writing Course

Women And Men The Bostonians are marching. They are all calling out to me. Lowell, Sexton, Plath, with their psychoanalysis. Mummy was cold and elegant. A sophisticated Christian woman who…

Advice for writers by Nicola Monaghan - Creative Writing

Advice for writers by Nicola Monaghan – Creative Writing

How to Unstick Your Imagination We might have practiced with setting daily intentions for creating. We have long-term and short-term goals, perhaps even mapped out on a calendar. So we…

Stephen King On Writing: Creative Writing advice

Stephen King On Writing: Creative Writing advice

I Was So Immersed In My Thoughts About Boko Haram That I Forgot My Shoes Were All Gone! As the bus rumbled east, I begun to notice a strange-looking man….