A Chat with Audiobook Narrator Phoebe Strole

Fiction Writing As an Outlet

Writing fiction is a very time-consuming but rewarding hobby, not only in terms of being a way for someone to earn some extra cash, but for his personal journey, too. After all, when a person writes, he can throw himself into a whole new world and explore a whole new range of sights and sounds, and then share those discoveries with the world at large.

Sample Thank You Note After a Job Interview

Isn’t it a great feeling after you walk out of an interview for a job and you feel pretty confident, after all, you gave it your best! But wait a minute… the interviewing process doesn’t end there as many interviewees may assume. Your next step is to write a thank you note stating your appreciation for your potential employer’s time and effort he or she has placed on your behalf.

Challenges of Editing While You Write

While flowing in the river of creativity, a writer must stay in their zone. It’s hard enough to overcome writer’s block when producing a creative work. So when you are in the creative flow you need to stay there as long as you can and that means you have to keep going.

How To Write A Great Story – A Case Study on Ann Brashares’ My Name Is Memory

I picked up Ann Brashares’ ‘My Name is Memory’ from the library completely by accident. I had walked past the shelves on my way out to check out the stack of five books I have selected for the week and this was what caught my eye – the title. Above the large print of the title was the phrase, “Sometimes love lasts more than a lifetime.

How to Modify Inconsistencies in Your Story Without Modifying Your Entire Work

One of the hardest things to do is edit your own fiction novel. You see, after you are into the work some 300 pages, and you go back to edit it, and read it over and over again, you will often find inconsistencies in the story. Now, most of your readers won’t always pick up the inconsistencies, however your most loyal readers who hang on every word and enjoy your suspenseful fictional intrigue will.

Creative Writing – A Beginner’s View

In a general sense, the art of writing is creative in its own nature. It may be safe to conclude so since the process of writing is not only the actual putting of pen onto paper, but it includes a “think about it” stage. You may want your pen’s ink to flow dramatically onto the blank sheet; however, it won’t unless you put some of your creative thoughts into it.

Creative Writing – Keeping the Readers Interest in Popular Slightly Overused Genres

A short time ago, I visited one of the local writers groups in the city next-door. I talked to many of the writers, and many of them were competing against each other in the same genres, albeit, not completely the same, as it seemed that each had carved out their own niche, catering to a specific type of reader. As I read some of the sample chapters that the group had provided so the writers could give each other feedback, I realized how much competition there was and how many of these popular genres were completely over used.

How To Pick A Topic for Creative Writing

Being creative is a gift to all. You have to feel in what aspect you could be special and doing it with fun. A creative topic for an essay is just writing something special or unique.

10 Tips for Novice Fiction Writers

Fiction writing is almost universally acclaimed and adapted. It helps you create a world of your own, where you have self-created characters, objects and more. Here are some tips to write fiction!

Contemptuous Killer Characters And Why We Love Them

Do you want to create a villain for your story that will keep your readers awake at night? Build powerful emotional suspense? Would you like to create the kind of conflict that keeps readers on the edge of their seats? Now, you can. Quicker and easier than you ever thought possible.

Captivating Characters Create Conflict

Would you like to create dynamic, true to life characters who are perfectly suited for your story? Plot an outline for a novel that will captivate agents and editors? Finally, you can do all that and more in record time. Find out how.

Is There No Hope of Doing Perfect Research

The word research means “to investigate” or “systematic search” however, it is also described as the will to seek knowledge. Today in the modern age every human mind is bombarded with thousands of ideas every day. The knowledge of centuries can come to your fingertips within minutes through the marvels of “Internet”.

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