BOOK EDIT MAGIC: Recasting Scenes

The Arc of Being: Igniting Characters for Conscious Media

Conscious media includes, but is not limited to movies, books, and television that are focusing on humanity’s humaneness or true nature as the way to overcome adversity. Conscious media has an uplifting and even transformative effect that people are swarming to as a result of our catastrophic and unsustainable global conundrum. Avatar, Lord of the Rings, 2012, The Fifth Element, and The Sixth Sense are a few recent examples of conscious media that bring us messages of hope that humanity can eventually overcome or at least advocate change without sacrificing humanity. Herein is an inspiration and challenge for authors, screenwriters, poets, and other writers.

Writers Block

At some moment every writer experiences some type of a block. Whether it’s a day or two, or months is completely up to you, and the steps you take.

The Best Time of Your Life

� The best time of our lives is childhood. I, myself would return to my childhood, without a second thought, if it was possible. I would stay there forever and never return.

Suggestions For Writing the End of a Novel

The way in which a novel ends is critical to its success. A satisfying end determines whether readers will go away and say to their friends, “I’ve just read this fantastic novel”. I believe a novel is defined by the way it ends. The theme becomes clear, and the focus of the story shines out.

On Becoming a Successful Writer

What does it take to create a successful life as a writer? The goal of every writer is to is to achieve success. That means getting your name out there, getting your manuscripts published.

Difference Between a Website Content Writer And a Content Writer

Website content writing involves unique and creative content for websites. A website content writer is one who is a master at this art of copywriting. The main agenda is to write according to the website owner’s whims and fancies.

Interview With John H Byk (Pen Name, Conrad Johnson), Author of Detroit Daze

John H. Byk (pen name, Conrad Johnson) was born and raised on the gritty streets of Detroit, Michigan. After surviving high school, he joined the Coast Guard and then went back to school to earn his Masters of Art in English.

Write A Series Of Books – Not Just One!

Writing a book series increases your readership greatly, creates brand name recognition, as well as making it easier as you get familiar with the “people” in your books. Link the books together and gain more recognition by designing individual, but similar covers.

Two Is Better Than One

A demonstrative piece on the dynamics of youth in a school/classroom setting. It encompasses the essence of teens, bullying, hopefuls and youth.

15 Tips For Creative Writers

A written word is often seen as liberating – it sharpens the mind, and feeds the soul. The opportunities are everywhere, waking up with every morning, and going to sleep with hopes of finding more ideas in sweet dreams. However, in the world of creative writing there is good and bad, the good being inspiration and imagination creating aspiring writers. As opposed to this, there is the worst enemy of every writer – writer’s block. Here are some tips to help you write more efficiently.

Writing – Why Do It?

I remember a conversation about writing while I was working to complete my doctoral dissertation while working a more than full-time job. The conversation epitomizes. why I have felt compelled to write for all of my adult life. My dissertation chair was also my program advisor and during the almost ten years that it took for me to complete my doctorate at the School of Public Health in Houston, Steve and I became very good friends. The conversation took place at a very difficult time in the design of the methodology for my study and I was working harder than I had ever worked in my life.

Sometimes It Pays To Be Ignorant

People in general, and experts in particular, tend to have firm views on various subjects – including a limited set of words to discuss them – and sometimes these views haven’t been questioned in years. With a little honest prying, you might strike gold.

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