How Stories Affect Us

How Stories Affect Us

Cheat Your Way to Writing Blockbuster Headlines The ability to writing great headlines hold the key to getting people to read your article or sales copy – whether you publish…

3 top tips to start your novel - The Write Channel "How to Write a Novel" course

3 top tips to start your novel – The Write Channel “How to Write a Novel” course

Can You Create On The Spot? When it comes to creating something, are you a planner or an improviser? In my work, I’ve started to distinguish between different creative approaches….

Stephen King 'Set Loose the Monsters' - The Write Channel Creative Writing quote of the week

Stephen King ‘Set Loose the Monsters’ – The Write Channel Creative Writing quote of the week

What Is Climax in a Unique Article? It is a very well-known and effective figure. In this figure, ideas (or thoughts) or terms (or words or phrases) are placed in…

Show don't tell: The Write Channel tip of the week with Nicola Monaghan

Show don’t tell: The Write Channel tip of the week with Nicola Monaghan

Losing Touch? You Need A Retreat I believe that entrepreneurship is a creative endeavor. But sometimes it can feel more like a task factory than a creative outlet. As you…

Establishing a writing practice: The Write Channel "How to write a novel" course

Establishing a writing practice: The Write Channel “How to write a novel” course

Writing Tips – How to Engage the 5 Common Senses Did you know you can teach your child the art of creative writing using every day life experiences? Use this…

Share your writing; The Write Channel with Nicola Monaghan tip of the week

Share your writing; The Write Channel with Nicola Monaghan tip of the week

Where To Find Personal Stories If you know anything at all about me and my speaking style, you know that I am a huge, huge fan of humorous personal stories!…

Patricia Highsmith: Write Channel Quote of the week

Patricia Highsmith: Write Channel Quote of the week

What’s It Like for Book Authors to Be in the Writing Zone? Beginning writers often wonder how professional writers do it. How do the pros continue to write good stuff…

Stephen King on Reading - The Write Channel Creative Writing Quote of the week

Stephen King on Reading – The Write Channel Creative Writing Quote of the week

Writing To Change The World “You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can’t, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world……

Stare into Space - The Write Channel Creative Writing tip of the week

Stare into Space – The Write Channel Creative Writing tip of the week

Give Poetry a Try There are many books on the craft of poem writing. Many of us can admit that we didn’t ‘get’ poetry when we were in school. There…

"Kill Your Darlings" The Write Channel Creative Writing Quote of the week

“Kill Your Darlings” The Write Channel Creative Writing Quote of the week

We Create From Where We Are, Even the Fear We write from where we are. That includes touching on, even exposing to light, that shadow part of ourselves. How do…