How to Beat Your Fear of Writing
What It Takes To Create Quality Content Creating good quality content for the website brings in great success for the business. There is no denial Content is King and it…
AuthorTube newbie tag: Nicola Monaghan
How to Stop Over-Editing Your Manuscript & Get It Submitted For Publication Do you struggle with the editing phase? Are you finding it hard to call your manuscript good enough…
Write that novel: Structure your story
World Building the Easy Way Whether you’re writing a fantasy or a general fiction novel, there’s no escaping from world building. So what is it? The simplest definition I can…
Write Great Characters – step by step – How to Write a novel
Another Angle From The Kaleidoscope A phone call, a slow paced traffic and a fast car had arrived at the same time. A heartbreaking news has risen up the…
Get started with Creative Writing – 5 top tips!
Your Character Is Not The Problem – 5 Ways To Love Your Flawed Character How to love your flawed character and strengthen your writing. Five ways to improve how you…
How to plan your novel – Write that novel in 2020!
I Write Because I write because sometimes I have things to say, and I can’t get someone to sit and listen to me spew 700 words at their face. They…
How To Find Your Writing Voice
Revisiting Your Writing – Bringing Writing to Perfection If you have ever written any piece of work; be it a poem, an article, a story, a novel, a psalm or…
The 3 Reasons My First Book Failed…
Writing Effective Bullet Points I wanted to take some time to talk about writing effective bullet points because it’s something many people get wrong. The best way I know how…
3 Ways to Motivate Yourself To Write More
Book Ghostwriter Business owners and professionals hire a book ghostwriter to help market their business. A book ghostwriter helps their client to be viewed as a professional in their field…