Welcome to the Write Channel! All about creative writing

Welcome to the Write Channel! All about creative writing

Successful Women Authors There was a time when women could never really amount to much, it was a man’s world and the woman’s place in that world was looking after…

The Write Channel with Nicola Monaghan; all about creative writing

The Write Channel with Nicola Monaghan; all about creative writing

10 Ways to Encourage Children to Write Writing is a priceless tool for children to master and use, just like reading is. The earlier they start writing words and sentences…

How to write a book: first three steps to start your first novel

How to write a book: first three steps to start your first novel

Take the Comedy Writing Road Less Traveled A quick humor tip for adding humor to your writing. It’s easier to find humor than you think! Indian Writing in English: A…

Get started with Creative Writing - 5 top tips!

Get started with Creative Writing – 5 top tips!

Your Character Is Not The Problem – 5 Ways To Love Your Flawed Character How to love your flawed character and strengthen your writing. Five ways to improve how you…

How to plan your novel - Write that novel in 2020!

How to plan your novel – Write that novel in 2020!

I Write Because I write because sometimes I have things to say, and I can’t get someone to sit and listen to me spew 700 words at their face. They…

Find ideas for Stories: The Write Channel "How to Write  novel" course

Find ideas for Stories: The Write Channel “How to Write novel” course

“Writers’ Block” – What Is It and Can It Be Cured? Whether your are a master writer or a newbie writer, ‘writers’ block’ will no doubt become well-known to you…

How to choose a point of view and narrative style: The Write Channel "How to write a novel" course

How to choose a point of view and narrative style: The Write Channel “How to write a novel” course

Treating Your Writer’s Block: Ten Suggestions Got writer’s block? Here are a few suggestions you can try to jump start your brain into writing creatively again. Finish Off the Content…

Show don't tell: The Write Channel tip of the week with Nicola Monaghan

Show don’t tell: The Write Channel tip of the week with Nicola Monaghan

Losing Touch? You Need A Retreat I believe that entrepreneurship is a creative endeavor. But sometimes it can feel more like a task factory than a creative outlet. As you…

Share your writing; The Write Channel with Nicola Monaghan tip of the week

Share your writing; The Write Channel with Nicola Monaghan tip of the week

Where To Find Personal Stories If you know anything at all about me and my speaking style, you know that I am a huge, huge fan of humorous personal stories!…

Stare into Space - The Write Channel Creative Writing tip of the week

Stare into Space – The Write Channel Creative Writing tip of the week

Give Poetry a Try There are many books on the craft of poem writing. Many of us can admit that we didn’t ‘get’ poetry when we were in school. There…