what are some tips for writing a series of novels 1

What Are Some Tips For Writing A Series Of Novels?

Learn how to write a successful series of novels with these expert tips on planning, character development, world-building, and more.

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Fan Fiction Writing – How To Write Your Own Story

Why would someone do this? It’s a very personal Many fan fiction writers are fans of the original character, and they want to see them live on in other people’s Others may be fans of the author, and…

How to write a book: drafting and editing

How to write a book: drafting and editing

You Are a Writer (Yes You Are!) You are a writer. You are a writer of power, passion, strength and, yes, courage. For writing is an act of courage. You…

How to write a book: the first draft

How to write a book: the first draft

Analysis of the Basic Writings of Kafka It’s an analysis of Kafka’s Basic writings. The analysis probes the literary, psychological and philosophical underpinnings of Kafka’s writings. Analysis of a Collection…

How to write a book: plotting versus pantsing

How to write a book: plotting versus pantsing

Analysis of Kafka’s The Trial It’s an analysis of the Novel—The Trial by Kafka. The analysis proceeds on dissecting literary, political, psychological and philosophical content of the novel. Collection of…

How to Beat Your Fear of Writing

How to Beat Your Fear of Writing

What It Takes To Create Quality Content Creating good quality content for the website brings in great success for the business. There is no denial Content is King and it…

AuthorTube newbie tag: Nicola Monaghan

AuthorTube newbie tag: Nicola Monaghan

How to Stop Over-Editing Your Manuscript & Get It Submitted For Publication Do you struggle with the editing phase? Are you finding it hard to call your manuscript good enough…

The 3 Reasons My First Book Failed...

The 3 Reasons My First Book Failed…

Writing Effective Bullet Points I wanted to take some time to talk about writing effective bullet points because it’s something many people get wrong. The best way I know how…

Write Great Dialogue: Creative Writing Lesson

Write Great Dialogue: Creative Writing Lesson

Tips on Writing a Book – Where to Start? This article describes how to start writing a book. This is a daunting task and advice given here could help you…

More Creative Writing Advice and tips from Stephen King

More Creative Writing Advice and tips from Stephen King

Experiences Color Artistic Lenses If you have a dozen people look at the same thing, chances are you’ll get a dozen different descriptions or thoughts on what the object is….