The Pipe: a short story by Nicola Monaghan for #teamseas

The Pipe: a short story by Nicola Monaghan for #teamseas

Blindness Is In The Eye Of The Beholder “Beauty” is in the eye of the beholder – this saying is hard to dispute, most everyone agrees, and I’ll go it…

Preptober special: Three top tips for National Novel Writing month success #nanowrimo

Preptober special: Three top tips for National Novel Writing month success #nanowrimo

Remembrance and Thoughts of September 11, 2001 On this day, when reminiscing about the tragedy of September 11, 2001, my emotions are once again awakened. I was moved while watching…

A simple thing I do when receiving feedback that makes the biggest difference #shorts

A simple thing I do when receiving feedback that makes the biggest difference #shorts

Inspiration for Creative Writers From Artists Honesty and truthfulness – these are the outstanding virtues of a great artist. And as a creative writer I have in recent times found…

Welcome to the Write Channel! All about creative writing

Welcome to the Write Channel! All about creative writing

Successful Women Authors There was a time when women could never really amount to much, it was a man’s world and the woman’s place in that world was looking after…

Writer's microvlog: Where I talk writing, process, advice every Wednesday #shorts

Writer’s microvlog: Where I talk writing, process, advice every Wednesday #shorts

Article: Write Books Publishers Want I have four management books with three primary publishers. My books are also printed overseas in many languages including Russian, Chinese and Polish. Step Outside…

How to get published part 2: Getting published with a smaller or independent publisher

How to get published part 2: Getting published with a smaller or independent publisher

Tips On Writing – Treating Writing Like a Job Often, people sit in awe of those who create anything on a regular basis, as if some magical power were involved….

How to write a novel using microsoft word

How to write a novel using microsoft word

How To Write A Book That Is More Than Just A Book Pick an universal theme, any universal theme, and run with it. Never stop running. When trying to decide…

The Write Channel with Nicola Monaghan; all about creative writing

The Write Channel with Nicola Monaghan; all about creative writing

10 Ways to Encourage Children to Write Writing is a priceless tool for children to master and use, just like reading is. The earlier they start writing words and sentences…

My writing workspace

My writing workspace

Critical Analysis of Sartre’s Being and Nothingness It’s critical analysis of Jean Paul Sartre’s magnum opus: being and nothingness. The structures of ontological being like being in itself, being for…

How to write a book: first three steps to start your first novel

How to write a book: first three steps to start your first novel

Take the Comedy Writing Road Less Traveled A quick humor tip for adding humor to your writing. It’s easier to find humor than you think! Indian Writing in English: A…