What Is a Story’s Theme and How Does It Fuel Subplot?
How will you decide what the theme of your story is? How can you make it stand out from others with a similar theme? What part do subplots play in making your narrative unique?
How to Write Effective Content for Your Small Business Website?Small businesses need to consider having quality content on their websites as it has the potential to naturally attract quality customers to their website. Like large businesses, small businesses don’t have the luxury of large finances to implement expensive marketing strategies that bring potential customers. Writing effective content, which is easy as well as affordable, thus, helps them to get the desired results without straining their finances. In this article, we will discuss on how to write effective content for your small business website.
Creative Writing: Building Plot Through the SettingThe setting of your novel should greatly influence the plot. Let’s say you’ve written an adventure story set in the Australian Outback. Now what if you suddenly changed the setting to contemporary downtown London? If your plot and characters are unaffected by the dramatic change, then consider giving your story that extra edge by creating environment-related obstacles for your characters to overcome.
How Characters Influence The Plot of Your StoryCharacters should influence the story. If your character is a southern matriarch, then placing them in a European yacht race would be rather difficult. In the case of Susan Hill’s, “The Woman in Black,” the occurrences within the plot are the direct consequences of the characters’ actions. Plot influences the character just as much as the characters influence the plot. Although they go hand in hand, one should never overshadow the other.
Writing Your First Novel – Framing a Long StoryWriting a story of any length is an exercise that confers lessons in persistence, patience and commitment. The accomplishment of a long story is by no means a trivial feat. An idea for a story may seem appealing and the writer anxious to begin, when it is still in the mind.
Write a BookWriting a book is an unfulfilled dream for many of us. What most people don’t realize is that becoming a published author and selling your book has never been easier that it is today. Here is what I’ve learned so far!
Write What You KnowWriting what you know. Everyone’s heard it, that insistence to only write about what you know. After all, you wouldn’t want to write about skydiving without realizing that falling that fast means the jumper can’t breathe through their nose…
Fine-Tune Your Creative WritingLearn to take your creative writing up a notch to attract the attention of agents and publishers. In a field of amateurs, you want to be the best.
Creative Writers Do Their ResearchMany writers hate research. They don’t want to spend hours, days, months and sometimes even years researching a topic for a story or novel.
Short Story Contests – Submitting Stories For Prize MoneyIf you love writing short stories, then entering (and winning) competitions can be fun and profitable. There are fewer and fewer magazines accepting short story submissions, but more competitions seem to be more opening all the time. And the prize money can be substantial.
Choosing The Setting For Your Story: Geographical LocationCreative writers often underestimate the impact of the geographical location within their story. Characters may live in the upper-class neighborhood of Stepford, a hut in a small farming village in Taiwan, or a huge tree house like in Swiss Family Robinson.
Choosing the Setting of Your StoryIf you think that when and where a story is set doesn’t matter, think again. Setting paints the picture and creates that atmosphere you’re trying to portray.