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Creative Writing Ideas

Brainstorming creative writing ideas is the first step in the creative writing process. Most writers find it very difficult to come up with original and creative writing ideas. This is partly due to the fact that man discovered the art of writing eons ago and writers have written about almost every topic under the sun since then.

Creative Writing Services

Professional creative writing services include all forms and types of creative content such as fiction (novels, screenplays, short stories, song lyrics, etc.) and non-fiction (press releases, articles, copywriting, sales letters, and press releases). Ideas often come spontaneously.

Novel Writer

A novel writer or novelist is a person who writes a novel — a long tale of fiction that, unlike a short story, has several subplots that progress along with the core of the plot and culminate to a climax and end. As with many other forms of art, novel writing has existed for centuries. The first novel writers have been traced back to the Indian subcontinent of the 6th or 7th century where Dandin wrote Dashakumaracharita and Banabhatta wrote Kadambari.

Writing Short Stories: 5 Stages in the Writing Process

The writing process is one that involves patience, planning, organization, structure, and creativity all rolled into one. It’s important for a writer to understand the dynamics of putting together an interesting story.

Overcoming the Hurdles of Writer’s Block: Short Stories, Novels, or Other Works

There is nothing more frustrating to a writer than not having the ability to fully express their thoughts and feelings on paper. While some days are filled with endless ideas on plots, characters and settings, other days involve the mind drawing a blank. Luckily, inspiration can be found everywhere you look in the world.

Book Writing: When You Have to Ditch Your Outline and Start Again

New ideas are exciting for writers, especially if the outline starts to take shape quickly. Armed with enthusiasm, the writer may start that outline when he or she isn’t quite ready. After a long groan, the write has to discard the outline that has taken days to write, and begin again. Here’s a true story.

Getting to Know the Character

“I want to write a book.” How many times have you heard someone make that statement? Maybe it’s one of your deepest desires in life. This article will walk you through developing a character or characters for a novel.

Four Creative Writing Exercises You Can Start Right Now

Creative Writing can be a daunting task for a beginner. This article breaks down the essential creative writing exercises to help you start writing right now. Follow my advice and I guarantee you will be a better writer in no time at all.

A Young Writer’s Guide to Getting Published – How to Create a Market for Your Writing

There are many niches in the publishing world. ‘How to’ books, commercial thrillers, graphic vampire novels, technical manuals, children’s illustrated books, celebrity biographies. The secret to becoming a successful author is to identify as early as you can where your writing strengths lie then get to work honing your talent to become the best in that genre.

Four Creative Writing Exercises You Can Start Right Now

Creative Writing can be a daunting task for a beginner. This article breaks down the essential creative writing exercises to help you start writing right now. Follow my advice and I guarantee you will be a better writer in no time at all.

A Young Writer’s Guide to Getting Published – How to Create a Market for Your Writing

There are many niches in the publishing world. ‘How to’ books, commercial thrillers, graphic vampire novels, technical manuals, children’s illustrated books, celebrity biographies. The secret to becoming a successful author is to identify as early as you can where your writing strengths lie then get to work honing your talent to become the best in that genre.

Creating a Plot Outline in 8 Easy Steps

Using Dramatica’s 8 Basic Plot Elements, you can create a plot outline that is dramatically sound and emotionally compelling with a minimum of time and effort. This article walks you through the basic process, allowing you to create an original plot outline in a matter of minutes. If you are a budding fiction writer, you will be amazed at the ease and simplicity of this approach.

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