Want to get published? This one piece of writing is key to your success and most writers hate it!

Journaling Creates Snapshot of Life

A journaling tool where you can take time to review and reflect and then write down the key points. It will help you put the events in your life in perspective by looking at the big picture and integrating your past into your future. Happy Journaling and enjoy a new perspective on your life.

Make Your Website Content Writing Skills More Effective!

The days of buyers and sellers of products or services to be physically present at the point of sales deals are gone! The whole buying mechanism has undergone a sea change in recent times thanks to the emergence of “website” as one of the fastest sales point for marketer.

Help In Finding Your Online Writer

Let us assume you have searched for and found an online writer, hired them to create SEO optimized content articles, and then upon receipt of your content you have been disappointed. Therefore, you need to start the process of finding a writer all over again.

Writer’s Block: What It Is and How to Kill It

There are loads of explanations about writer’s block – mine’s a little different. If none of the “formulas” for novel writing are working out for you, try this one.

How to Write Inspector Characters

An Inspector is the Myers-Briggs personality type ISTJ, which means they have tendencies towards introversion, sensing, thinking and judgment. The Inspector is a highly organised personality. They exhibit high levels of attention to detail and keep their lives ordered. If you visit the office or home of an Inspector you would find their books neatly arranged on the shelves and their desks tidy. The classic personality trait of an Inspector is dependability: their word is their law.

Strategies to Develop Creative and Imaginative Writing

Creative writers feed their imaginations by observing and interacting with and receiving from the world. Impressions that come to us must be captured before any critical voice comes in. I find the cross-fertilisation of ideas between different art forms very important in creative writing. And that is why going to art exhibitions can be very helpful – and is the focus for this article.

Strategies to Develop Creative and Imaginative Writing

Creative writers feed their imaginations by observing and interacting with and receiving from the world. Impressions that come to us must be captured before any critical voice comes in. I find the cross-fertilisation of ideas between different art forms very important in creative writing. And that is why going to art exhibitions can be very helpful – and is the focus for this article.

How Helpful Are Resume Help Samples?

In recent years, when people need to know something, they tend to go online and consult the Internet to gather information. This is just one of the advantages of utilizing this modern technological innovation. The creation of the Internet has also led to the birth of web-based businesses.

How to Price Your Kindle and Nook eBooks

You’ve decided to publish your eBooks on Amazon and Barnes & Noble via the Kindle and The Nook. You’ve ensured that your content is excellent, formatted correctly, and is updated and accurate. You have excellent and creative cover art, and you are going to upload everything today but you’re unsure about how to price your eBook.

eBook Reader Publishing and Why You Should Do It Now

The time is here to get in as close to the ground floor as possible on the eBook publishing bandwagon. Both Amazon Kindle, and Barnes & Noble’s Nook, make it simple to publish your eBooks and eReports. They take a very small cut of your sales with no charges up front.

Writing for Fun – Writing a Fiction Novel

There is something awesome about crafting a tale from a blank sheet. My first idea for a novel was but a seedling when I was eighteen. It was not until much later that I put pen to paper and started to write.

Good Things to Do to Improve Your Creative Writing

A creative writer can benefit from studying work in other fields of creativity. In this article I take as a role model a contemporary artist whose vibrant works not only uplift and enthrall, but also give several insights for creative writers. Here are five highlights from the art of David Hockney (gathered together for his exhibition “A Bigger Picture” at London’s Royal Academy).

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