How to Overcome Writer’s Block Once and For All

How To Submit A Short Story For Publication

Once you’ve written a short story and have gone through the painful process of revising and finalizing it, you want to get paid. This article tells you how.

Deface It

In the name of justice. Who’s justice?

Memoir Writing – How You Can Publish Your Own

In recent years memoir writing has become a very lucrative business. Plenty of companies have employed a number of ghostwriters to write memoirs for people, who are not famous personalities. People who are well-known and celebrities need not write their life stories because details of their lives are written all the time. It is the ordinary people, who can become extraordinary by publishing interesting aspects of their life in book form.

Memoir Writers – Create Your Life Story in Your Own Words

Memoir writers and ghostwriters are invaluable for those who want to write a memoir. You can hire the services of memoir writers from a professional memoir writing service providers. They will use their expertise in editing, writing and publishing your story in an authentic manner.

Memoir Writers Can Help You Become Immortal

Many people hire the help of memoir writers in order to write their memoirs. Memoir writers for hire can pen your memoirs. People have their own reasons to write memoirs, but the following are the most common reasons people keep their memories alive.

How I Write Poems

There are many books and essays on how poems are made, Rilke’s How Poems Happen, how I write, or like George Orwell’s Why I Write…

An Interview With Becky Akers, Author of “Halestorm” – A Novel About Nathan Hale

Tyler R. Tichelaar interviews Becky Akers about her new novel “Halestorm,” which recreates the life of Revolutionary War figure Nathan Hale. Akers gives insight into her research, imaginative recreation of Nathan Hale, and how what he stood for and the events of the American Revolution are still important to us today.

The Author Who Slept With a Story Idea

Are you a writer who has difficulty finding new ideas? All writers write differently and have varied habits, yet they encounter the same problem. Use this author’s simple method to not only find a story idea, but sleep with it, and remember it the next morning.

The Art of Converting a Novel to Screenplay

When converting a novel to screenplay, chances of upsetting the writer are significant to the nonprofessional. Whether you are inexperienced or have done this type of writing before, it is advisable to actually collaborate with the novelist prior to starting to rip the storyline apart. Run your ideas by the author, and get their consent. This ensures you not only keep the author happy, but also ensures the expectations of fans will be met, as well as those of movie executives.

Adapting a Book Into a Play – Tips and Guide for Beginner Writers

Adapting a book into a play is not as easy as it appears. You need to develop self-confidence and potential as a writer in order to achieve excellence in the profession. Tips and tactics shared will help you in adapting a book to a play and achieving excellence in the field of writing screenplays.

What to Eliminate When You Adapt a Book Into a Screenplay

You have finished your novel or non-fiction book and you are wondering how to adapt a book into a screenplay. Adapting a book to a screenplay takes a lot of hard work, creativity, and patience if you want the final project to be well received.

Things to Consider When Adapting a Book Into a Play

Some writers possess the expertise required for adapting a book to a play. Along with writing proficiency, it takes a measure of loyalty to the book as it is transformed into a script. It also requires loyalty to the author of the book, because the author’s judgment plays a crucial role as the writer alters the story to create the first edition of the screenplay.

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