How To Find Your Purpose In LIFE – 5 Ways To Find Your Purpose

Should You Write Books in Order?

When your creative mind keeps thinking about a future scene in your book instead of the one you’re trying to work on, is this a good thing? Is it a distraction or a help?

Writing Your First Chapter

Your first chapter is an invitation to readers to immerse themselves in your story. Include these important elements to make your first chapter the best it can be.

Happily Ever Afters May Not Be So Happy After All

‘And they lived happily ever after.’ This is a sentence that we all have heard countless times throughout our childhood. All fairytales end at this sentence and children grow up in the world of fairytales.

Four Key Steps to Begin Your Writing Day and Transform Your Life

Each day as I sit down to write my book, I renew my “yes” to writing and to serving love in my writing. To support this choice to have my writing result in positive difference in reader’s lives, I make four conscious choices. These allow me to begin my writing in alignment with all I have learned on a path of transformation, spiritual evolution, and healing mind, body and spirit.They integrate the lessons and gifts I have received in all my life odysseys and from spiritual teachers and now apply to my writing, too. Here are the four key steps I take to begin each writing day.

The Secret to Shifting Writing Overwhelm Into Writing Ease

When you sit down to start writing a book, are you able to jump right in and catch the stream or words or does the whole task feel daunting? Or, let’s say you’ve already written part of the book and need to reengage with it after a hiatus from writing. Does the prospect bring joy or do you feel overwhelmed or downright panicky about beginning (again), doubting you can complete what you have begun? Here is the secret I used that I have learned over my years of writing–and you can, too. It guarantees you will stop drowning in doubt and ride the wave back to land on the shore of your writing project.

In Search Of Happiness

Time passed fast as the seasons came and went by, in a manner of speaking, autumn came soon enough, with the chilly weather outside, the great branches of life, keeping us alive, having nothing on but just a few leaves left to cover their naked body, it’s a sad view to be seen, but it’s complex in the feeling it gives, as you pass by the shower of foliage, a mixed state of sadness combined with the furry of the wind, as it hits the mightiest crown of the hazelnut tree, the park seems calm in its emptiness, the chilly…

Is Texting Writing?

Lots of young people today are using texting to communicate as quickly as possible, and maybe because little bits of words fit into little windows better than real English. For students who think texting to a teacher is okay, don’t ask someone who made the mistake of doing it. They’re sure to show you the big red “F” they got–and that goes for essays, memoirs, narratives, expository writing, any kind of writing, including informal chat-like messages to a teacher, asking when a paper is due, etc. Keep writing and texting separated and you’ll stay within the boundaries. Finally, end the debate by asking yourself: “Will a teacher see this?” If the answer is yes, do not text. Learn to use the language they way it was intended. Besides, trying to write via the English language is hard enough as it is.

The Time Machine

Going back in time brings me so many exciting, happy moments. It was one of the best time of my life. Today, I have a special bond with horses because of the reflection of those unforgettable moments. I am so thankful to God to have sent me here in a time that I was able to live in a time that seems so far away, and having a chance to learn and live today, all this tremendous sophistication and technology at the palm of my hands.

Creative Writing for Learners

You want to write a story but you don’t know were to begin. You have already started but have run out of steam You have written a story but your English could be better. You think you might like to try writing a poem.

Feedback Versus Criticism For Writers

As a writer, have you ever been told, “Don’t quit your day job!”? Don’t listen to them. Do what you love to do, and if that is writing, get feedback from qualified people, not criticism.

Thinking Outside Of The Box: A Writer’s Point of View

For many people, writing is no easy task. It’s a labor of love, pure and simple. How many people put off writing tasks, even the simplest of things, until they feel trapped by a deadline, overwhelmed by the project before them, and cornered by their own fear of putting pen to paper, or fingertip to keyboard as it is these days.People will put off writing essays, work reports, letters, and even that great American Novel they have trapped inside for fear that they might fail, or that they don’t know how to write. For that reason, many people hate writing, even though writing can be therapeutic and cathartic, can help you shed past demons and cleanse your soul of bad memories.

How to Get Over Your Writing Blocks?

There are around 7 billion people who have the potential to write. And yet, there are only a few percent of this total population of the world that are successful and known to be good writers. But then, there are writers that have problems encountering some blocks before they are able to write something valuable.

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